we save primary forests

Who We Are

Bioporio is a private enterprise created by a group of entrepreneurs and specialists committed to being the hands that help save forests, rivers, fauna and flora. Biodiversity protection is our mission.

Our vision

Wild nature is a core element of a functioning planet. Without it, humanity cannot exist. By protecting nature today, the future of humanity, our children and our global society will continue to progress. It’s not just about trees. It’s about biodiversity and untouched ecosystems in general.

Our mission

We protect nature by acquiring and organizing the conservation of primary forests that are threatened by logging, illegal exploitation, and pollution. We do so by respecting the culture and well-being of local communities, counting on their expertise and knowledge to preserve the forest. We also focus on raising awareness within the current and future generations of the importance of this cause. We invite other companies and individuals to join us in our mission.

Be an Investor

Investing in biodiversity helps to create a more sustainable, resilient, and prosperous world for future generations, and also is a way to align your financial goals with your environmental and social values. 

Last Acquisition in Progress

Area: 3 lands totalizing approx. 91.000 hectares
Location: Colômbia
Threats: Deforestation
Biodiversity: Field study

Area: Approx. 17.000 hectares
Local: Peruvian Amazon
Ameaça: Deforestation
Biodiversidade: Field Study

Area: Approx. 45.000 hectares
Local: Peruvian Amazon
Ameaça: Deforestation
Biodiversidade: Under External Analysis

How do we acquire areas?